Now, it usually uses gas former aluminium powder paste, in thegrounding process does not add stearic acid, nor ammonia protection, but joinedthe media and various additives for grinding, the finely ground aluminium pastethrough centrifugalizing enrichment into paste. Stearicacid in aluminum powder surface must be removed while used, that is degreased. Second,aluminium powders production process and its main characteristics Aluminum powder is forming by dissolved aluminum ingot, using compressed airsprayed into fine powder, and then after the election, gets granular powderjoins in the closed ball to levigate.Common methods have baking method and chemical method.241 hydrogen, thus usingaluminum powder to conduct gas reaction has the advantages of less use, lowcost and so on.Internationally used aluminium powder as foaming agent, Chinaused to be dominated by using aluminum powder, now except for introducing a fewto offline, aluminium coated sheet price most have switched to aluminum powder paste.But the fineness and dispersion of aluminum powder paste tend to affect thequality of aerated concrete products. ArticleSource:. In order to prevent aluminum powderoxidized during the grinding process, and thus cause a fire explosion, exceptfor the specially designed of ball mill system, ensure tight seal and pump intothe ammonia protection, it also should be adding a certain amount of stearicacid in the aluminum powder, make aluminum powder pulverized and form ofstearic acid protective layer on the particle surface in the pulverizedprocess. First,aluminum powders gas reaction Aluminumpowders specific gravity is only 2. Grinding media has two kinds,one is a mineral oil, aluminum powder paste made from it called oily aluminumpowder paste; the other is water, the forming aluminum powder paste calledaluminium powder paste. Conventional chemicaldefatting agents has dibutyl naphthalene sulfonate, advanced epoxy ethane fattyalcohols, saponin powder or saponin plant extracts and ordinary detergent andso on. The raw material of aluminum powder paste are mosttaking the scrap of packaging aluminum, this material has a high purity and lowprices, made aluminum powder paste was accepted by the majority of enterprises. In addition, aluminum production is larger, sources are morewidely and for aerated concrete production were better control on the process, isthe most commonly used material for gas release. The commonly used aluminiumpowder, its particle surface always has oxidized, produces alumina protectivefilm, preventing the aluminium contact with water, only after eliminating theoxide film, aluminium powder can react, swapping out the hydrogen in the water.Therefore, we say that aluminium powder as foaming agent should be conductedthe gas release reaction in an alkaline environment.7, under standard conditions, per 1g Al produce 1. Baking method is notmuch used, chemical method is based on mixing chemical degreaser and aluminumpowder to get rid of stearic acid on the surface. Aluminais stable in air and spring love song water, and aluminum products used in our everyday life haspurified aluminium oxide protection film can prevent aluminum being furtheroxidized, alumina in acid or alkaline environments can react with acids orbases, generates new salt, causes the coating destroyed
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